Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Movin on to riding.. We started off from Margao and in no time we were crusing along the Karmal ghat and into Canacona- but with numb bums. Not used to riding, we 3 were suffering from Numb-bum syndrome. Blood wasnt flowing back there, some water and short break put things into the rear perspective. It was certain that if we had to settle ourselves at Palolem we would have been there the whole day guzzling some semi alcoholics till we fall apart and I wasnt keen on doing that. A little push on moving onto riding somemore got Doc onto his saddle and we were off riding through the mountians into Poiguinim and then Polem and finally the straight stretch of road to Karwar which has been as inviting as it could get for couple of decades.

We took a small break at the karwar bridge to get the rear upfront and then decided to move onto Amruth for some snacks. Coupla beer, peanuts, Fish, Squids, Mussels .......... Ahhhhhh that felt awesome. A subtle lightness in the veins got me to enjoy the ride even better. Now we were heading straight into the Palolem...Cafe Del Mar. Some more of those strange looking, nice smelling liquids. And we were soothing nerves. After an hour we decide to ride back to Margao. Well all big things have a small beginning. I have set my mind onto riding. Given the time & physical fitness i dont know how far would I go. But hearts are set on Leh. Lets see what
time brings in.


Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading this post and your sense of humor.
until now i was familiar with 'food-for-thought'. Here i learn a new one...'fuel-for- thought'.
way to go....keep scripting...!!

Sachin said...

Thank you :)

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