Monday, June 10, 2013

Monsoon version 2.013 is in and so is the green.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

King of good times

They say that we work hard all our life to be able to rest someday and go fishing. Wonder if this guy enjoying his noon fishing has made all the money in this world and sitting here.

Traditional folk dances of Goa.

Folk dance at the shigmo festival in Goa

This year i could spend very little time at the shigmo parade. Here are a few shots of the same. For detailed coverage go back in time on this blog and you will find loads of shigmo captures.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Captured on my Nokia 808...more of a camera and less of a phone.

Crimson tide.

The sight of sunset reminds me of crimson. Nature's way of creating lenses and filters.

Riding the ferry in Goa

Everytime I use the ferry to cross the river it throws at my creativity a different perspective and a different idea to capture life around me. 

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